What's in her name?

What's in her name (Salish Aire)?

from her new home the Salish Sea

Aire as in a melody of song.

Salish + Aire = The melody of the Salish Sea.

Salish Sea:
In the late 1700's Captain George Vancouver wandered around the waters of what are now known as British Columbia, Canada and Washington State, USA. He did the usual 1700's explorer thing and put names he chose on everything he saw. The names stuck and are recognized and used to this day.

New lines were added to Captain Vancouver's charts in 1872 (after a near war with Great Britain over a pig) which made waters on one side of the line Canadian and those on the other side of the line American.

It wasn't until 1988 (officiated in 2009) that someone finally realized that fish and various critters, (to say nothing of the water itself) were never involved in the boundary treaties and really ignored them completely. (This is best illustrated by the problems that Homeland Security has with Canadian Canada Geese and American Canadian Geese - it seems they refuse to carry passports and have been known to poop on the head of any border patrol person who tries to challenge their right to cross the border when and where they choose!) In reality the waters from Olympia to the well up the East side of Vancouver Island are pretty much one ecosystem.

The Coast Salish are the indigenous peoples who live in southwest British Columbia and northwest Washington state along the Salish Sea and share a common linguistic and cultural origin. The Salish Sea is named in honor of the earliest recorded peoples who plied her waters and learned to live in harmony with her.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Wow! Featured blog on the Nordhavn August newsletter.

I was noticing that we had a huge uptick in our readership today.  A bit of sleuthing took us to the August edition of the Nordhavn newsletter and discovering that we are the featured blog of the month.  Considering the quality of the blogs done by other Nordhavn owners, we consider this to be quite the honor.  Thank you Nordhavn!!

Welcome to all new readers! If you have any thoughts or questions then please email us at salishaire_gmail.com (we are trying to outsmart the internet troll bots > change the _ to an @ sign to create the proper address).

Norman and Clarice Gregory

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